Percobaan-1 :
<?php echo "Hello World";
Keterangan output Hello World
Percobaan-2 :
$txt="Hello World";
echo $txt;
Keterangan output
Hello World
Percobaan-3 :
$txt1="Hello World";
echo $txt1 . " "
. $txt2 ;
Keterangan output
Hello World 1234
Percobaan-4 :
//This is a comment
This is
a comment block
Keterangan output
Percobaan-5 : Koding yg salah
echo "First line <br>"; // You won't see me in the output
// I'm a one liner comment
Same thing, you won't
this in the output file
echo "The above comment spans two lines <br>";
# Hi i'm a Unix shellstyle
# Too bad you can't see me
echo "View the source of this file, you'll see no comments here <br>";
Keterangan : kesalahan karena kurang sintak
echo "….";
Percobaan-6 :
$myvar = "Hello"; //
$yourVar_is-123 = "World";
// valid
$123ImHere = "Something";
// invalid, starts with number
Keterangan output
syntax error
Percobaan 7:
$a = 1; // $a is a global variable function Test()
echo $a; // try
to print $a, but $a is not defined here
Keterangan output
Blank karena a global variable
Percobaan-8 :
$a = 1; // $a is defined in global scope ...
$b = 2; // $b too function Sum()
global $a, $b; // now $a and $b are available in Sum()
$b = $a + $b;
} Sum(); echo $b;
Keterangan :
output yang keluar 3 karena penjumlahan a+b =
Percobaan-9 :
Keterangan u\output yang keluar (menunjukan
ip dari masing”computer yang di pakai)
Percobaan-10 :
echo "My name is {$_GET['name']} <br>";
echo "My friend's name is {$_GET['friend']}";
Keterangan output yang keluar
My name is
My friend's name is
Percobaan-11 :
$numbers = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
$age = array("mom" => 45, "pop" => 50, "bro" =>
$mixed = array("hello" => "World",
2 => "It's two";
echo "numbers[4] = {$numbers[4]} <br>"; echo "My
mom's age is {$age['mom']} <br>";
echo "mixed['hello'] = {$mixed['hello']} <br>";
echo "mixed[2] = {$mixed[2'}";
Keterangan output yang di kuarkan error karena penulisan sintak yg salah
Percobaan-12 :
$myarray = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$myarray[5] = array("Hi", "Hello",
"Apa Kabar");
echo '<pre>'; print_r($myarray);
echo '</pre>';
Keterangan output yang keluar
[0] => 1
=> 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 [4] => 5
[5] => Array
[0] => Hi
[1] => Hello
[2] => Konnichiwa
[3] => Apa Kabar
Percobaan-13 :
$abc = 10; // $abc is an integer
$xyz = (boolean) $abc; // $xyz is a boolean
echo "abc is $abc and xyz is $xyz <br>";
Keterangan output
yang keluar abc is 10 and xyz
is 1
Percobaan-14 :
$fruit = 'jamblang';
echo "My
favourite fruit is $fruit <br>";
echo 'I lied, actually I hate $fruit <br>';
echo "\r\n My first
line \r\n and my second line <br>\r\n";
echo ' Though I use \r\n this string is still on one line <br>';
Keterangan output
yang keluar
My favourite fruit is jamblang
I lied, actually I hate $fruit
My first line and
second line
Though I use \r\n this string
is still on one line
Percobaan-15 :
$quote1 = "Never insult Dumbledore " . "in front of me!";
$quote2 = "Nami,
you are my nakama!"; echo $quote1 . "<br>"; echo $quote2;
Keterangan output
Never insult Dumbledore in
front of me! Nami, you
my nakama!
Percobaan-16 :
// print '12'
echo substr('123456789', 0, 2);
// print '56789'
echo substr('123456789', 4);
// print '89'
echo substr('123456789', 2);
// print '456'
echo substr('123456789', 3, 4);
Keterangan output
Percobaan-17 :
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
echo '*';
Keterangan output
echo str_repeat('*', 10);
Keterangan output
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